Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Primal Instincts

Pregnancy and birth are so primal to me, instincts lead the way. And while a lot of people blame the hormones for "crazy behavior"....I kinda tend to think they could be a protective measure, you really want to try to "out-crazy" the crazy pregnant woman? No, you probably want to leave her alone and move on...if you are smart. 

What I don't get is the people who disregard the pregnant woman's feelings and state of mind as normal....same as when she is not pregnant.  When she's feeling emotional, unrested, disheartened and would hope that the people closest to her would want to provide emotional support and lift her up, not bring her down- sadly this is not always the case.

I had heard this before and I was reading a book just last night that touched on it....factors that can stall or prevent a woman from going into labor....

- Stress
- not feeling safe
- emotional turmoil
- sudden change in her surroundings

Its quite funny because I also read that at the end of pregnancy a woman tends to exclude herself from the world, avoiding public outings, gatherings and such...which is exactly what I've been doing and all this time I just thought I was being unsociable and turns out I'm just following my instincts!  Its kinda like that dog or cat that goes missing and then later you find her in a dark corner somewhere with her litter.

Ok, well I'm gonna go walk in circles around the house again....check ya later