Its about a 2 1/2 min video of the newscast, clip of the birth and an interview with the mom- you can watch it Here!
Also, Maria Sotolongo was mentioned during the story and that she is doing a documentary of 10 then I went on an internet stalking spree to find out more about her & this!
Well, it appears she has already filmed all of her homebirths and its a done deal...I was so ready to share my birthing face to the world, darn! Its probably prettier in my own mind anyway...
Here is the trailer for her documentary, called Breathe.
So then I did a little more
She also has a really awesome post on why she chooses homebirth. I love reading other people's passion for home birth....
It made me think...isnt it funny that there are so many blogs and women (like myself) that are just "ate up" with all this birthing naturally at home stuff???? I mean there are a gajillion blogs about how beautiful and awesome it is and what a fulfilling experience it can be. There are great documentaries that are so The Business of Being Born.
I can tell you from my own experience, I do have this deep desire to spread the word myself and I really cant tell you why....seriously, why do I care what you do? It really annoys me! I wouldn't want someone trying to talk me into to having a hospital birth...but for some reason I really want you to consider, I mean really entertain and evaluate the idea of natural child birth and even birthing at home!
But at the same time I know several women who have had satisfying hospital births with the epidural and a cool Doctor, they were happy with their experience...but they dont have blogs specifically reaching out to women to go that route, why is that?
Its a phenomenon that baffles me....maybe it will pass when I birth out this kid.
Let me also add that I am not trying to say that if you give birth in a hospital & use pain meds you are doing it "wrong"...I am genuinely not trying to offend anyone...You do you, I do me.....I am just exploring & making fun of my own personal need to promote what I'm doing....