Thursday, April 3, 2014

Going with your gut!

And today I think I'm a motivational speaker.....

Call it whatever you want.....Mothers Intuition, Mothers Instinct.....going with your gut! Learning to do this has served me well.  My husband is a big believer in going with your gut too, the statement "well, what does your gut tell you?" pops up frequently when either of us has a dilemma.

Over the course of pregnancy and becoming a parent you get a TON of unsolicited advice from friends, family, strangers, and even know-it-all-bloggers, lol...whew I could name a few of them! Some of the advice is great and really helps, sometimes you are unsure, and some just sounds ridiculous...this is where I will give you advice to smile and GO WITH YOUR GUT!  Do it with as much confidence as you can as well, there are no take-backs so you might as well not second guess yourself, right? No one knows your body in pregnancy like YOU do, and just the same no one knows your baby like YOU.

Let me tell ya a little story...After we brought our brand new baby boy home, we soon realized this kid would not sleep or nap in his bassinet...ever. While I didn't mind holding my new baby as much as possible sometimes you need to eat, relieve yourself...have free hands for a moment! I didnt know what to do....every time I put him on his back in the bassinet asleep he would wake up screaming.  The first night was the worst! I had an arms reach co-sleeper right next to the bed I thought would be the ideal sleeping arrangement for us....nope, only screaming...I didnt know what to do so I listened to my gut and we spent the first few weeks sleeping like this (see photo)

He slept on my chest on his stomach...most of the time we were skin to skin, which turns out its called "Kangaroo Care"  which is kind of a dumb name if you ask me, but it has many benefits. It was also very convenient for breast feeding.
After a few weeks or maybe months (pregnancy brain) he slept in the bassinet...on his stomach...thats the ONLY way he would sleep, but he had really good neck control so I just had to have faith that he would be okay.  People were concerned about him sleeping on his stomach because "its so dangerous!" My reply would be "ok, well tell HIM that!"

This would be the first of many times I didnt know what the hell I was doing and I just had to use my Mothers Intuition and trust myself.

Its important to listen to your instincts during the labor and birth as well, some things feel right and some just dont and you are the captain of your ship so YOU make the calls....labor positions, possibly feeling rushed by someone...whatever the case may be...If there ever was a time to have a take charge attitude its the birth of your children...

My friend Angie and I were talking about the birth of her daughter and she was sick of being rushed by the Doctor to just do a C-section and her shining moment was when she literally told him to "F-off!" and had that baby 2 pushes later! She is a nurse herself so that probably gave her more confidence to say that to a Doctor than a normal person.  The point is the same though, listen to your instincts!

I know this sounds repetitive, but its true that no one cares about you and your baby more than YOU! I will cut you if you mess with my child! lol. The consequences of your decisions during pregnancy & birth will only affect you & your baby.....Not the Doctor, or Nurse, or whomever... They carry on as usual with their workday and lives.... Just like during my birth when the Doctor suggested a vacuum extraction, and dangled that carrot stick in front of my face, lol...yes, it made the birth faster for all of us, but she was certainly not the one whose body spent months in recovery and was MY choice and I had to live with the consequences....grrr, and boy did I.

How can you get the confidence to listen to your instincts & know your stuff??....Lets say it together....


(does a mic drop and hops of soapbox)

Do I think I'm smarter than a Doctor, no, but I think a good Doctor LISTENS to the momma.....
Do I think I know everything, no....but I'm always learning and it gives me more confidence.