Wanna know THE most pain I experienced in regard to having a baby???? It was AFTER I got home with the baby....
Yes, its a thing and its legit...too legit to quit.
oh it sounds innocent enough....
But every time I picked up my sweet new bundle of joy it felt like my thumb would dislocate, my tendons would sever and light themselves on fire and hot lava was working its way down from my wrist to my elbow... my hand and arm would be rendered useless until I could rock my wrist back and forth to pop everything back in place.
Thankfully it was only my left arm/hand/wrist/thumb and it only happened when I picked up my baby or used my hand in ANY WAY!!!
There were so many times I thought I was gonna actually drop my sweet baby boy.
So of course I looked it up on the internet....and found something that said there's nothing really you can do for it, ice it, take an anti-inflammatory, get a brace.... and that 90% of the time it goes away in a year....A Y E A R....freakin' A.
So then I got this awesome thumb splint that looked like a bowling glove....so yes, everyone made fun of me... "Goin bowling today?" "When's the tournament?"....
"They" say its from simply picking up your baby and not being used to doing that....I say that's a crock-o-crap! I think it was from the port they put in my hand at the hospital...because its only my in left hand in the exact spot where they jabbed that thing in my hand. I even have a scar there! and 16 months later it doesn't feel like the nightmare I described above, but it still aches & cracks and pops every day...it aint been right since.
Here are 5 ways to ease the pain, pshahhh......just go get the bowling glove splint