I'm so excited to guest post on Kellie's super cool, super popular, super baby lovin' blog! I have had 5 home births with midwives and teach Birth Boot Camp childbirth education classes as well as breastfeeding classes. I've had lots of time to think about my births, hear birth stories, experiences, fears, and questions over the years and here's a short (sorta!) list of my thoughts and things I'd like to share with first time moms or moms who want a different experience the second, third, or more time around. I love birth, every part of it. It's such a powerful time in a woman's life and I love to see women embrace it and transform themselves into beautiful birthing goddesses.
- When I was 18 I was an EMT and we learned about emergency childbirth. (I hoped I'd never be called to one of these because I saw those videos in health class and holy moly, gross! Ironic now, I know!) Our instructor told us that attendants don't deliver babies, women do. I've always been a little confused by common terminology “so and so delivered my baby”. Moms, we deliver babies! We do all the work! We push human beings out of our bodies! Of course, under the experienced and watchful eye of a midwife or doctor. No one can do it for us, we have to do it and it's an experience that is life changing. You're birth will affect you one way or the other. ... which leads me into the rest of my awesome list...
- We rock.
- Birth is hard work. I remember being very pregnant with my first baby and telling my mother in law that I feel like I am preparing for the hardest work I've ever done. I was right. I had prepared my body and my mind for this work. It was challenging but the reward was incredible. A baby. I brought a baby into this world. Just me and my own body. I had an amazing birth team but they didn't do it for me. I did it and I rocked it. And it's ok to say that about yourself. Say it often because you were amazing.
- You have to prepare. You have to know what to expect. It takes so much of the fear away and makes it an experience you can look forward to and even *gasp* enjoy.
- Pregnancy is a very short period of time, spend it well. Eat well, exercise, take a childbirth class, read, talk to other moms, soak in everything you can. This is a big event. Bigger than your than your graduation, bigger than your wedding, and even bigger than planning your nursery. Spend this time preparing your body and mind. You will be so glad that you did.
- We need support. We need people around us that believe in us and our ability to birth a baby. . Build a team of people who care for you and want to help you have the birth you envision.
- There are few things sweeter in this life than watching a husband and wife working together to bring their baby in this world. His support, sweet words, and strong self and her opening herself up, completely vulnerable to the process. So beautiful. It is my favorite part of teaching and attending births. I love having my husband close to me during labor, stroking my hair, telling me I'm awesome.
The only thing sweeter than #4 is watching the raw emotion of a mom as she pulls her baby to her chest and meets this little person for the first time. Suddenly the hours of work melt away along with your heart as you realize you love this person more than you ever knew possible.
- Birth #5 was my hardest. It was twice as long as baby #4 and his position was a little wonky (technical term, you know.) which made it longer and harder. After this birth I remember thinking “I knew childbirth was hard work but seriously, any woman who does this, however it may have ended...short, long, interventions, c-section, whatever....we are amazing. It is amazing to bring a baby into this world. Amazing and rewarding and hard and hopefully a great experience.” I still think this. His birth brought this to light in a new way for me. We are awesome, mamas. Truly.
- Education is key. The newest childbirth education is Birth Boot Camp. It is comprehensive and modern education for this generation. It's awesome!