Thursday, May 8, 2014

Nuggets of Randomness

Warning...this will not make sense....but its what I got going on in this head of mine....and its your own fault if you read it!

  • I over-use the word "nugget"

  • The only thing thats comfortable for me to wear now are dresses and they look really neat because they are shorter in the front than in the back because of the belly...even maternity dresses...pretty cool and trendy.

  • The other day at work, while training my 22 yr old barbie-doll-look-a-like replacement... I accidentally bumped her shoulder with my belly.  She was sitting and I was standing.... I apologized for my lack of spacial awareness.  I dont think i've ever felt more "uncool" in my life.

  • The other day, while driving home from my midwife appt, I saw 3 donkeys....all of them had their foreheads pressed up against the same tree...I feel like thats a sign of some-sort....the 3 donkeys represent the soon to be 3 men in my life and I am the tree?  lol, feel free to decode the mystery for me....

  • Its driving me crazy that we cant finalize a name for this new baby....seriously, its very unsettling. Callans name was so easy and picked out right from the get -go.  Whats funny is that I will make a suggestion and my hubs will like it and then I revoke it a day later because I dont like it anymore...its maddening!  There's only 1 name that I really really like, but if I say it too much it sounds weird and then I question it....ughhh.

  • Radio listeners have referred to me as Kellie the Belly this week....that better not stick! And I certainly better not hear that a year from now!

  • My inner tube idea that I posted about was more brilliant in theory....its not very easy to get in and out of. I have only used it twice this week, lol

This weeks ramblings of passerby's, in regard to my pregnancy, have consisted of:

"Kellie, why do you keep telling everybody there is only 1 baby in there?"  
Because there is only one 
"Couple more days till you are due , Kellie?" 

No, over a month

"There's no way you are gonna make it to your due date!"

That's what all you people said last time

"Girl, I saw a big ol' pregnant woman walking down the road the other day and it was you!"

Awesome, thank you