Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Why would anyone do this to themselves????

My co worker said that I am in the stage of "Why would anyone do this to themselves?" in my pregnancy, which made me laugh...because even though I am literally in the final weeks, yes I will admit this is true! 

 I missed work yesterday because my sciatic nerve made it nearly impossible for me to walk...its better today, but I still have it flare up when I move wrong... One of the things I am looking forward to is feeling physically strong and capable again.

Every day I look in the mirror and check out my nose...I'm looking for signs of the 'bout to birth nose"...see exhibit "A" from my last pregnancy.....

Ah, it will happen when its supposed to happen.....I'm just excited to meet the newest member of our family!
Its just a weird feeling being on the verge of such a life changing moment....but not quite there, lol.  Very soon another piece of my heart will be out in the big bad wild world, exposed....Lord help me....