Everything is getting on my nerves....
Like my Husband....at night, before I go to bed, I set the thermostat to my preference for comfortable sleeping....then his sneaky ass turns it it up 4 or 5 degrees after I go to bed! Then, I wake up tossing & turning...uncomfortable & sweating and go turn it back down in the middle of the night.....every night we do this....cant he just give me this one??....AT LEAST WHILE I'M PREGNANT !!!!!
My Pets....A.K.A "the noisemakers"- they are quite possibly annoying me the most....at all times. We'll start with my cat, Lima. Her annoying qualities mainly consist of relentless whining for food at 5:30am and 5:30pm and wanting to lay in my lap(on the belly), and hissing at my son. So it annoys me that she's hungry wants attention and doesn't like little people pulling her tail...maybe I'll give her a pass. My dog Deets is ok, he just whines a lot when he see's me and licks my knees, gross. My female dog, Lulu...she is the source of a lot of stress for me and I keep hoping I come home one day and she's just gone. This dog barks non stop, at everything...all day..its enough to make a sane person crazy...let alone a crazy pregnant woman just lose it. If I give you my address will you please come steal my dog? No? You dont want a bob-barker? me neither. I need a bark collar that never looses its charge and I might be ok. I told my Husband he better lock it up and get Lulu under control before the new baby gets here....or else.
People trying to help when my kid is whiny- I know this shouldn't annoy me but it really does...I mean really. I'm already frustrated and I just cant concentrate when I have another person make suggestions and offers and it just sounds like noise to me on top of hearing my whiny kid, ....I really just prefer to handle it myself and ask for help if I need it. Usually a change of scenery will calm him down and I can figure out whats wrong. I can handle it, just give me a minute!
Work- The restroom is just too far away from my desk...and by the time I make it back to my desk I have to go again....
Sleep- waking up every 2 hours to pee and having acid reflux all night long...and the temp thing we talked about earlier.
Comments- Why do I rarely get comments on my blog?? It must be broke, surely