Slowly but surely I am almost completely ready for my homebirth! I figure a lot of you are curious about what that entails...
2 weeks ago I went to see Dr. Rice, who looked over the charts Toni has been keeping regarding my pregnancy, weight gain, baby positioning & heart rate, glucose & protein screenings, blood pressure & so on...she said everything looked great, gave me her stamp of approval, and wrote me out the typical prescriptions for a homebirth. The prescriptions are all for after I have given birth & only if needed: shot of pitocin to help my uterus contract & get back to normal, another scrip is to immediately stop any hemorrhaging (if it occurs), a shot of Rhogam since I am RH negative (if the baby has a different blood type than mine), and there's one more....ohh this pregnancy brain....I cannot for the life of me remember, I'll get back to you on the last -----> eye ointment for the baby!! Thats what it was!
Prescriptions- DONE!
My midwife Toni has given me a checklist to get everything ready....And I have put all the supplies where they will be easy for everyone to the babybed! I will not want to be bothered every time they need to find something...I have it all very easy to get to!
Order the Homebirth Kit- DONE!
The Homebirth Kit has things like sterile gloves, cord clamp, nasal suction for baby, antiseptic stuff, pads...all kinds of things we'll need
Wash & sterilize towels, sheets and washcloths- ALMOST DONE
I have already washed everything but for sterilizing....and ya'll are gonna love this....I have to bake it all in paper sacks in my oven, haha isnt that country???? 200 degrees for a hour so its not a fire hazard or anything.
For the Waterbirth
I got a little kiddie pool with the preferred dimensions ($30 instead of $300 for a regular birth pool)
Brand new water hose to fill it (new for sanitary purposes)
Pool liner (for sanitary purposes)
Contact list is on the fridge for the Hubs for when I go into labor
Birth Certificate is filled out (as much as it can be)! YES we have a name!!! Sorry, I'm not going to tell you until he's born! Its different....but awesome!
In case we need to go to the hospital:
- Birth plan- several copies printed
- bag- still need to pack
- car seat is ready in car