Friday, May 9, 2014

Consumer Report

Consumer Reports recently wrote about alarming C-section rates in hospitals....and I almost didnt read it because I have read 100 articles like this and felt like I knew already what it was going to say....well I am glad I did because it is far more detailed and up to date than anything else I've read...So yes, that means I want YOU to read it...

Even if you are done with having babies ...why? So you can help prevent your daughters or daughter-in-laws from being a victim of an unnecessary c-section.

 "low-risk women undergoing their first C-section were three times more likely to suffer serious complications—such as severe bleeding, blood clots, heart attack, kidney failure, and major infections—according to a 14-year analysis of more than 2 million women in Canada published in 2007 and cited by the new ACOG/SMFM guidelines.
And the risk of complications increases with each subsequent cesarean delivery. “Once you’ve had a C-section, there’s a big chance that all future births will also be by cesarean," Main said. "And that’s when the risks really start to rise.”

This article covers:

  • What you can do to avoid C-sections
  • Why C-section rates are so high
  • The health risks of unnecessary C-sections
  • Find your hospital's C-section rate
  • What to do if you need a C-section

Share it on FB and email it to 5 people or a unicorn will poop in your coffee tomorrow morning