Kellie asked for post from the Father’s perspective on the birth of our son Callan so here’s my story.
However, before the actual birth, it is important to cover a little info about the fun pregnancy period. Guys, during this time the woman’s hormones are all jacked up so beware!
- You will annoy her.
- She will have a million ideas (99% not implemented, just ideas).
- Her mind will change often & this will drive you crazy.
- The smell of your delicious bbq you have slaved over in the backyard all day may make her nauseous.
- Be very careful if you feel the need to answer “no” because this could result in the battlefield cannons going off!
In summary, do not talk as much because your verbiage will be dissected. Have a beer outside with the dogs to give her some quiet time but check in every once in a while to make sure she knows you’re there if she needs you and you should be good. Taking care of the dishes and cleaning the toilets never hurts either.
Now to the birth itself. She covered the events perfectly in her post. What really blew my mind was how well she handled it all. Zero tears. Zero screaming. Zero complaining. Just focused on her role in what was occurring and finding the ultimate amount of relaxation possible as each minute passed for almost 24 hours. We had the Bradley training so we knew the stages and I feel like that gave both of us piece of mind feeling like we were a little ahead of the game even though we’d never been through anything like this. But the key, in my opinion, that helped Kellie the most was for me and Toni (midwife) to stay relatively quiet, positive, and relaxed. That right there set the tone of the childbirth and allowed Kellie to mentally power through it.
A lot of time passed and the baby would not come, that’s when I got nervous. Kellie was dog tired with hardly any strength left but still zero tears or screams. Again, amazed by that. I was relieved when 20 hours went by and we were heading to the hospital. Kellie says she feels somewhat defeated but It was inevitable. God’s plan. Just how it was supposed to be.
The exact moment our boy was arriving I was fired up!! The single most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced. It was bottom of the 9th, 2 outs, and Kellie knocked it out of the park with more grit than I’ve ever seen in a person. Zero tears. She held him for a while and then he got cleaned up. He was pissed at the real world let me tell you! Have some pictures to prove it. I went out to the waiting area to show the parents but couldn’t stay too long cause I started to tear up in front of my dad & father in law and that wasn’t gonna happen.
It puzzles me how much of a bad ass she was that day. Zero tears. Zero complaining. Have never been so proud than I was on December 2nd.
A note from a pregnant woman dissecting words (Kellie)- I dont know why it puzzled him, I'm pretty much ALWAYS a bad ass ;)