I know I said my next post would probably be my son Callan's birth story but I think that will put things out of order. I'd like to give you some back-story first so you can get to know my hubs and I a little better.
Years ago a very good friend of mine told me her birth story of using a midwife at a birthing center and what a beautiful experience it was for her and her husband. Birth by candlelight, lets just say it was like nothing I had heard before and it was what I wanted for myself. She was, at one point in her life, a medical student doing a residency to be a Doctor and quit because her experiences in the hospital were horrific.
Somehow I was able to talk my Husband into us using a Midwife and having a home birth. I was very surprised at how agreeable he was to this, being that he had never heard of either. He is a very "by the book" person usually and I was certain this would mean a typical hospital birth for us. His support and trust really has impressed me, over and over again.
So what is a Midwife exactly? For me she is a woman who I trust implicitly, and take guidance from. She has seen many of my hormonal tears, given me plenty of hugs, and always has a solution. I feel genuinely cared for, and I know she will always be in our lives even after I'm done birthin babies. I love that our visits have no real time limit and I can call & text her directly at anytime regarding my pregnancy, advice with my son, even to complain about my husband if I want, lol...(gasp, I would never!). It is a real relationship and I know this because we are friends on facebook!!! She and her husband have even come out to see my husband play live music! I could never see having a relationship like this with an OBGYN, lol.
You can read more about Midwives here
You can meet Toni, my midwife here
If you'd like to further chat with me about my experience with a midwife and are curious then hit me up! Leave a comment!