Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Ready for Maternity Leave

You know what sounds good on the radio? An out of breath radio personality who is 8 months preggers and a touch moody.  Seriously, I have to take a breath about every third word I least it seems that way, lol...I've gotten into the habit of taking in a big breath of air before I speak so maybe it helps...who knows, who cares, lol.  I am ready to be gone from here, I am OVER hauling this bulk up 2 flights of stairs at work every day.  I have a date circled in red on my calendar as the last day here before maternity leave....I am so ready for that date to be here! It is the only thing that is keeping me somewhat productive at work...knowing there is an end in sight, where I can just sleep in, relax, spend time with my sweetness, and mentally get ready for birth.

I think this kid is settling a little lower now, kinda dropping.  I say that because I am feeling new sensations "down there"....being the polite lady that I am, I would describe it as feeling like lightning bolts are zapping your whoo-ha...its just occasional, not 24/7...when it happens I just stop (more like freeze up) and just wait for it to pass and then carry on. I remember this with my first pregnancy so I am not worried about it.  I hate it when it happens at work though....I get looks from co-workers....I work with mainly guys so anytime I sneeze or hiccup they think I am going to have the baby. 

Ok, I'm tired of typing.