Thursday, March 13, 2014

Whats an appt with a Midwife like?

So I had an appointment this week with my lovely Midwife Toni! I thought I'd share with you what an appointment with a Midwife is like, in case you were curious...or just nosy, yes I  just called you nosy! lol
Toni lives just 10 minutes away from my house and its all country back roads!

 Checking in at the Front

 When I arrive, after greetings and hugs, the first thing I do is test my urine to check protein and sugar levels (sorry , no I weigh myself and then report the info to Toni.  The first time I did my own test I was a little worried I would mess it up but I realized quickly
 that a monkey could do it... 

It's normal to occasionally have a small amount of sugar in your urine during pregnancy, but if you have elevated levels at a couple of prenatal visits in a row or a very high level at one visit, it could mean you have gestational diabetes.

Excess protein in your urine can be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI), kidney damage, or certain other disorders. Later in your pregnancy, it can also be a sign of preeclampsia if it's accompanied by high blood pressure. If you have protein in your urine but your blood pressure is normal, your sample will be sent to the lab for a culture to see whether you have a UTI.

I was also due for my glucose test so make sure I dont have gestational diabetes & another antibody screening, so she drew blood...She has a lab she sends it to.

Checking my blood pressure

feeling how the baby is positioned

Measuring da belly

Getting to hear my baby boy's heart beat! 
My favorite part!

 I was there for about an hour, we like to chit
If there is something you want to know more about leave a comment or email me at
