Friday, March 28, 2014

Pregnancy- things no one tells you

Pregnancy is a truly remarkable time in a woman's life, what a really, no sarcasm there! 

With that being said, sometimes IT SUCKS!!!! Here are some things that surprised me about pregnancy.....

My first pregnancy I was surprised at how lonely I was.......Here in Small-town, Texas there isnt much to do so most everyone drinks...and not just a little, my friends partake baby! They are fun...or were fun when I was one of them.  But when you can't join in you feel like an outsider....not to mention the idiotic conversations people have when drinking...its hard to participate in an argument conversation about how many ways a cricket can chirp and then demonstrate.  Yes I felt very lonely.  But this go-round I have the cutest little nugget keeping me busy and he's usually sober.

Also, I developed wings!!! Not really, but these awesome skin tags popped up under my know, the part that flaps a little (or a lot) when you wave goodbye to someone...yes right there I had these fonky skin tags...ewe. They went away though and thankfully have not come back for this me I've been checking.

But you know what has developed for this pregnancy....oh I dont even want to say it. Please dont make me...ughhhhhhh,  facial hair, more specifically peach fuzz side burns/chops.  There, I whispered it.  At least its not dark brown like the color of my hair...but still!!   I sleep on my sides at night and flop from one side to the other like a walrus, so when I get up in the morning I have to splash water on my sideburns just so the peach fuzz will lay flat and not all crazy haywire-like. QUIT LAUGHING!!! lol.  Surely this will go away too, right? RIGHT?

Sneeing or snissing- when you sneeze and pee yourself...not a lot...but just enough. This can happen when you're morning sickness strikes as well, making it double the pleasure & double the fun!  Seriously and after all this my husband still thinks he gets a vote in naming our baby, lol!

Your hair doesnt fall out!!! I have very thick hair that always comes out in the masses when I brush my hair, but not right now!  Thick and glorious!!  Until the baby comes....then amongst all the business I was whining about in yesterdays post..body after baby...your hair starts to fall out as well...and not just a little, I almost freaked with the first born. This is when I'll expect to lose my fuzz chops, crossing fingers.

Belly Stains- all day baby....I cant seem to eat anything without dropping some on my belly and staining my shirt. You see, the belly really wont fit under the table for protection and napkins fall off to easily, I am going to invent a special napkin for preggers that you can tie around you. Here's a tip as well for shopping for maternity clothes at resale shops....look for the belly stains!

I considered photographing my belly stains each day and turning it into a coffee table book, but I am lazy.  I think it would be really funny in an OB's waiting room, lol. Wait, maybe I will still do it so dont steal my idea!

Chestnut, chocolaty, brunette....NIPPLES! Brown just sounds kinda blah, I wanted to fancy it up for ya!  Yes your nipples will darken, this is for the baby to see them better for nursing, since their eyesight is not the best just after birth.  This is only temporary so dont worry!

Aches and pains...I was surprised at how achy my body was last pregnancy, I dont know why it surprised me that when you're body morphs and stretches into a whale it kinda hurts.  Currently my hips are spreading so my SI joints are giving me problems, its like a charlie-horse in my low back/buttocks if I move too fast or when I stand up after sitting for a while, especially on the floor when I play with my son.  People have suggested getting one of those support belts to keep my hips and joints in place but I am trusting that my body knows what it needs to do for me to birth this baby so I am suffering through it.  Let them hips spread baby...

There's more fun stuff, but there are somethings I just wont get  
