This is my favorite write up about Home Birth....
I copied and pasted it from here
So many people I know think I am CooCoo for Cocoa Puffs because I've wanted home births.... I resent that because I think its wonderful!
Mayim Bialik: Why
women shouldn't fear home birth
May 20, 2011 at 11:15 AM ET
Home births increased 20 percent over four
years, according to new government statistics. Less than one percent
of women give birth at home, but clearly there's a trend toward natural births
at home. "Big Bang Theory" actress Mayim
Bialik has given birth at home, loved it, and thinks people
need to know more about it.
Denise Herrick Borchert /
My second son was born at our house, in the middle of our living
room, just under three hours after my labor began in the darkness of dawn.
I would like to speak to the most commonly cited reasons not to have a home
birth to try to illustrate why we chose and advocate home birth for women
eligible for and interested in this experience.
1) Birth
needs a hospital. For all of human history, save the last 200
years of the organized medical establishment, birth was managed by women, for
women in privacy and comfort, giving them a safe, dark, quiet place to
labor, providing fluids and rest over the days that labor usually takes (that's
right, ladies: days of on-and-off labor is not unusual), and attending to the
needs of mother and baby throughout the exciting, powerful, and
earth-shattering emotions and sensations. Birth centers that seek to mimic a
home environment are a great option for many women, and have
started popping up all over the country.
2) Interventions
may be necessary. The administration of uterus-contracting
drugs like Pitocin, the injection of anaesthesia into your spinal cord (an
epidural), extraction of the fetus by vacuuming it out of your body, cutting
open the vaginal wall and perineum for faster labor (known as episiotomy,
which is no longer routinely recommended by the American Congress of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists): These are interventions that are designed to
help hospitals and doctors get the baby out of your body faster, which is not
biologically preferable nor healthy for mother or baby. The first intervention
most often given, that of Pitocin, brings on contractions more powerful and
spaced more closely together than nature intended (which can lead to lowering
the fetus' heart rate, thus causing alarm and often calls for a C-section);
it's no wonder Pitocin very often leads to epidurals. One intervention
often snowballs into another, and this is part of what has led to the
astounding rate of unnecessary C-sections in this country.
3) What
about the pain? Birth is intense; squeezing a baby out of
your body is a challenge, no matter what your "pain tolerance."
However, our culture medicates routinely for a variety of "normal"
emotional experiences (encouraging medication for people in the early stages of
grief comes to mind), and medicating for the emotions of birth is no exception.
The vocalizing and emotional experience that is commonly referred to as
"complaining," "screaming," or "suffering" is a
normal part of labor. Birth is not neat and fast and quiet: it's gritty and
primal. But it's nothing to fear unless you also think we ought to fear women
crying when they are sad or laughing when they are happy. There are
numerous effective pain-management techniques to use in labor. I used
self-hypnosis for both of my natural labors as well as showers and baths,
massage, homeopathy, and the greatest power of all: the power of my mind to
force out the notion that pain with purpose – labor -- is something to fear.
4) What if
something goes wrong? Midwives are qualified to manage a
variety of medical complications, and any good midwife knows when transport to
a hospital is necessary (as occurred with my first birth). Midwives can stop
hemorrhaging, midwives unwrap umbilical cords from around necks and torsos (as
happened to my little bundle of joy), and midwives do not need electronic fetal
monitors to know the baby's heart rate, position in the birth canal, or
when the next contraction is coming (any un-medicated mother will make that
abundantly clear). If we stop viewing birth as an emergency waiting to happen
-- it's NOT -- then we can stop imposing anxiety on women about birth. I
hear many stories about women and babies dying in childbirth that are designed
to make me doubt the power of the human body. I grieve for every woman and
every child who has died in childbirth, but I honestly resent being encouraged
to make decisions based on these stories. It's irrational, it's
hysteria-inducing, and it's insulting to any woman's intuition and
Our culture has instilled in us a fear of the
natural experience of birth and a fear of our bodies. In countries where
women are supported in their desire and ability for a natural birth (Northern Europe leads this charge), babies and mothers
have the lowest mortality rates. Natural birth is not for hippies; it's for
anyone who wants to work hard at breaking down what they have been told is true
about birth, pain, and the human body and spirit.
Home birth is right for people who want to take natural birth to the
next level: Let me birth in the place this baby was created. Let me labor
on the floors I paced in anticipation, let me labor in the rooms of the
house where I mused on sleepless nights what this moment would be like. Let me
birth with the smells of the kitchen and the faint giggles of the boy who will
be this child's buddy. Let me birth with music playing, with
my grandfather's prayer books looking down on me, with my hair flowing, my
inhibitions gone, the doors of my home flung wide open as if to say: I am open to
this process, World. I was made to birth this baby!
Want more Mayim? Read her blog at