Friday, February 21, 2014

Patience for your baby to be born

Its no secret we are living in a very impatient world now-a-days.  It seems this has carried over into childbirth as well.  Of course we would all love to pop out those babies quickly with little or no pain, but that's just not what childbirth is, at least for those of us that tell the truth, lol.  If you want to have a baby you are going to have to put in long hours of work, plain and simple. Peace and Patience is key.  There is no cookie cutter recipe of a normal labor and birth. My midwife Toni had 10 babies and shared with me 10 different birth stories.  There are, however, red flags and signs of distress, which should be taken seriously,
 no doubt. 

1st test with patience----Your due date!! Yes, the computer generates this magical date for you...but I'd take that date and throw it out the window...which is exactly what I did this time around!  My first experience with this was in the days leading to my due date and the two weeks that I went past..... my poor husband, mother and myself were pestered and hounded by our friends and family members daily, with multiple texts..."no baby yet??", "still no baby?", "when are you going to induce?", "I cant believe they are letting you go this long!".
Geesh, talk about PRESSURE! Impatience!
 **don't ever be those people**
God knew when my baby was ready, not a computer!  Make no mistake though, I know that medically necessary inductions are vital and I am not discrediting that.  In my own little world I have a problem with inductions of convenience or impatience.  Finally Doctors are realizing what Midwifes have been saying all along, there is a 5 week variance on a woman's "due date"...I think it should be changed to a "Due Month"...
but then again, who am I? lol...
"The study published in the journal Human Reproduction suggests that even with incredibly accurate information, choosing a due date is largely a guessing game — something that surprised the researchers." Read more HERE, or just google it.

2nd test of patience----Your Labor!  Expect the long haul and if you have a quick birth, then lucky you!  I personally am going to mentally prepare for a lengthy labor and will be ready to put in the long hours, even though the "advice army" (aka-everyone) never hesitates to tell me, "oh, 2nd babies always come quicker!" Yeah, well I'm not going to count on that and then be disappointed. 
Peace and patience...

Doctors are now urging patience and allowing longer labors to reduce C-sections.
Read this story HERE
"allowing" longer labors, how nice of them...*eye-roll

Here's a clip from that article that just KILLS ME....
"Before 1955 there was essentially no quantitative data on the length of labor. Then Emanuel Friedman said we should study this. He studied 500 women, and, of those, he said here are the 200 women who have idealized labors. We then managed 4 million women a year for the next 50 years based on 200 women. It's not that the wrong approach was taken; it's that we started science and then didn't continue to do the science."

So if this is true, where else have they failed to
"continue to do the science"?  

Also, the example of 200 women became the standard expectation of birth??? I'm speechless

According to that article: Today 1 in 3 births are C-sections, a 60% increase since the 1990's.  I find this so alarming.  A lot of people say the "cascade of interventions" is to blame for the rising rate of c-sections....induction--->failure to progress--->pitocin---increased pain--->epidural--->failure to progress--->C-section  (condensed version)...Google it.

Some say the blame falls on Doctor being scared of an "unfavorable outcome" if they don't interfere, so they are rushing for a c-section so they don't get sued.  Other say the Doctor gets more $$$$ from 
insurance with a c-section.

Maybe its all of the above and more...I don't know, I have elected to do as much as I can to not be rushed and pressured during my birth, that's why I am using a midwife....this loving woman who will let me be, all the while making sure that my son and I are safe at all times.
 Do know this, my goal is a natural birth, but I will thank the good Lord above and praise the surgeons skilled hands if I end up needing a c-section.  It is not the end of the world , I certainly know this.  C-sections have saved numerous lives and are a necessary surgery in some cases, us modern women are lucky to have that available. 
 But 1 in 3 births is just crazytown.