Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Guest Post Breakdown- Mrs M

First of all can I say that we women are tough cookies, I mean seriously...pregnancy, birth, and raising babies are not for the faint of heart...we endure don't we?  No matter how or what the circumstances are for the birth of your babies YOU are magnificent!

3 babies, and 3 different labors & births...Just goes to show that you never know what your gonna get!

Things we can take away from Mrs M's experience

Whew, that first baby was a doozie for her wasn't it? Early labor for 3 weeks! Man, after reading that- all that comes to mind is what my Midwife Toni always says " at least you only have to have a first baby once!". 

With the birth of both of her boys she mentioned she was sleep deprived, which can really zap your energy. Not to mention, for birthin babies it helps to be in the best frame of mind possible for the work you have to put in...and sleep deprivation can really start to mess with your head.  I remember waking up every hour on the dot those last weeks of pregnancy...iiiiittttttt suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked...something that Toni suggested was Wish Garden Sleepy Nights (click here), its all natural, it does not knock you out, you do not wake up groggy. They are drops and they dont taste all that fantastic, but its definitely worth it in my opinion. You still wake up when you take the drops, but you get a longer stretch of sleep at a time. Something to think about
....might help

The main thing that stuck out to me from reading this was on her 3rd birth she seemed to have really made up her mind and had a firm plan to go natural.  I think definitely key in going natural....you have to really know what you want and commit to it.  She also had the support of her Doctor and Husband, which we know how important that is! 

I wish there was a way to get the nurses on board to be more supportive of natural birth. I know there are some that are, but they seem to be the minority.  I would love to talk to a nurse who pushes the drugs & repeatedly tries to get you to take something on WHY she does it...does it make their work day easier? Do they feel bad for the woman in pain? Do they make a commission (I'm sure not, right?).  A wonderfully encouraging nurse or an un-supportive persistent one can make or break your birth experience. No matter how supportive your Doctor is with your birth plan, remember that in the Hospital you spend a lot more time with the nurses than you do with your Doctor.  

Thank you Mrs M for sharing your experiences with us, you are a true warrior!

On another note I came across this and it really spoke to me.....it sums up my whole purpose for this blog.....

“I just want to be treated as an individual not a number and for my care to be based on normal birth unless there is a medical reason why this is not possible. I am not saying ‘no intervention’ just if intervention is recommended its intervention for a reason “

I got that quote from this blog, the blogger is Irish and speaking of reclaiming birth in Ireland, which is what we are trying to do here in the good o'l US.  The link to her blog is to a post about why your birth experience is important and that its something you remember all your life, its very long but if you skim through it I think you'll find some very useful info to think about.

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